Mauverien is a brand of SC Claudia Marian Studio SRL.
Company: Claudia Marian Studio
Legal form: SRL
Company Registration Number: J36/315/2019
Company Tax ID: RO41002653
Office: Str. Mica, Nr.1, Camera 1, Bl.M1, Sc.B, et.2, Ap.7,
Jud. Tulcea, 820081 Tulcea, Romania
Phone: +40 753 915 120
The company implemented the business plan “Art & Design Studio”, nr.20 grant agreement from 20.05.2019,
benefiting from de minimis aid of 169.423 lei (38.000 euro), financed from European Social Fund, through
the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020, Objective 3.7 Increasing employment by supporting
non-agricultural businesses in the urban area, in the “Supporting entrepreneurial development as a result of
facilitating the self-employment of the South-East region, through assistance activities for the establishment
of non-agricultural businesses in the urban environment – Start-up South-East” Project, ID106773.